Visa letters will only be issued to:
- people the organization knows (notification by one of the member included in the organization of the event/conference is required);
- speakers/presenters;
- committee members;
- attendees who have paid their registration fee in full.
Letters cannot be issued for accompanying persons, even if they have paid the accompanying person ticket, if available.
Additional information can be found on the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
To request a Visa Support Letter, please send an email to specifying in the body of the mail the following data:
- Full name (as written in the passport)
- Affiliation: organization/company name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Place and date of birth date
- Passport number and passport expiration date
- Are you a speaker/presenter? (Yes or No)
- Name of session/paper/poster you are speaking/presenting
- Female/Male
Electronic letters will be issued promptly upon verification of paid registration. Original signed letter via regular mail has to be previously required.
Invitation letters will state the following facts:
- Conference dates, title, location
- Whether the requester is a committee member, speaker, presenter or attendee
- The requester has paid the required registration fee in full
Invitation letters will not be issued to requesters who have not previously paid the registration fee.
For more information:
- Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Cinformi (Centro informativo per l'immigrazione della Provincia autonoma di Trento).
Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR), the above personal data shall be processed exclusively in order to issue the visa support letter and by using proper measures to ensure confidentiality and avoid access by non-authorized third parties.