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2008 January 28 (No extension) Deadline for submission of abstract February 1 (No extension) Deadline for submission of paper February 15 (No extension) Deadline for submission of panel proposal February 15 (No extension) Deadline for submission of industry and government report March 7 Acceptance notification April 3 Deadline for camera-ready copies of the accepted papers and industry and government reports May 2 Early registration due June 11-13 SACMAT is held at Colorado, USA
January 28 (No extension) Deadline for submission of abstract February 1 (No extension) Deadline for submission of paper February 15 (No extension) Deadline for submission of panel proposal February 15 (No extension) Deadline for submission of industry and government report March 7 Acceptance notification April 3 Deadline for camera-ready copies of the accepted papers and industry and government reports May 2 Early registration due June 11-13 SACMAT is held at Colorado, USA
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