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Call for Papers
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Call for Papers (PDF file)

Papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of access control are solicited for submission to the ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT). SACMAT 2008 is the thirteenth of a successful series of symposia that continue the tradition, first established by the ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control, of being the premier forum for presentation of research results and experience reports on leading edge issues of access control, including models, systems, applications, and theory. The missions of the symposium are to share novel access control solutions that fulfill the needs of heterogeneous applications and environments and to identify new directions for future research and development. SACMAT gives researchers and practitioners a unique opportunity to share their perspectives with others interested in the various aspects of access control.

Topic of Interest

  • Access control models and extensions
  • Access control requirements
  • Access control design methodology
  • Access control mechanisms, systems, and tools
  • Access control in distributed and mobile systems
  • Access control for innovative applications
  • Administration of access control policies
  • Delegation
  • Identity management
  • Safety analysis and enforcement
  • Standards for access control
  • Trust management
  • Trust models
  • Theoretical foundations for access control models
  • Usage control

Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and published by the ACM in the symposium proceedings. Outstanding papers will be invited for possible publication in ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC).

Paper Submission (Submission site: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=SACMAT-13)

Papers must be written in English. It is recommended that papers use the ACM proceedings format, using one of the ACM SIG Proceeding Templates (http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). The length of the paper in the proceedings format should not exceed ten US letter pages, excluding well-marked appendices.
Committee members are not required to read the appendices, so papers must be intelligible without them. Papers are to be submitted electronically as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5” X 11” paper, and no more than 5MB in size. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their submission will print easily on simple default configurations. Papers should clearly include the identity of the authors and their affiliations (that is, reviewing is not blind).

All submissions MUST reflect original work and MUST adequately document any overlap with previously published or simultaneously submitted papers from any of the authors. Failure to clearly document such overlaps will lead to automatic rejection. In particular, simultaneous submission of the same paper to another conference with proceedings or a journal is not allowed. If authors have any doubts regarding such overlaps, they should contact the program chair prior to submission.

For paper submissions, an abstract must be submitted by January 28, 2008, and the full paper must be submitted by February 1st, 2008. Because of the tight review schedule, extension to these deadlines cannot be granted.

Panel Proposal Submission

Proposals should be no longer than two pages in length, should include possible panelists, indicating those who have confirmed participation. Proposals can be e-mailed to the Panels Chair, Prof. James Joshi (jjoshi@mail.sis.pitt.edu)

Industry and Government Report Submission

Reports describing innovative commercial solutions, requirements, or experiences in product development and deployment related to access control are solicited for presentation at the Symposium. Each accepted report will be presented in a 30-minute speaking slot (including question time). Industry and government reports are not published in the proceedings but speakers are strongly encouraged to post their presentations on the SACMAT web site. Submissions related to commercial software or industrial strength prototypes are especially encouraged. A brief proposal consisting of 1-2 paragraphs describing the proposed talk along with a brief bio of the presenter should be e-mailed to the Industry Reports Chair, David Ferraiolo (david.ferraiolo@nist.gov).



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